Save your Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.

Not Downloading a File?

  • Try using Google Chrome
  • Right click & save file as. Filename:

Don't open this file on your computer

  • Use it to unlock your wallet via Pyrus (or Fusion, Gubiq & other wallet clients.)

Guides & FAQ


Unlock your wallet to see your address

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

You arrived via a link that has the address, amount, gas or data fields filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started.


Send UBQ & Tokens

Send Entire Balance

+ Advanced: Add Data

A message regarding {{}}


Advanced Users Only.

Generate & Send Offline Transaction

Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer)


Step 3: Send / Publish Transaction

Paste the signed transaction from Step 2


Read / Write Contract

{{ contract.address }}

Please change the address to your Multisig Address to your own address.

  1. Generate EOS Key-pair
  2. Register / Map your EOS Key
    • Select register
    • Enter your EOS Public Key <--- CAREFUL! EOS PUBLIC KEY!
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000
  3. Fund EOS Contract on Send Page
    • Go to Send Ether & Tokens Page
    • Unlock same wallet you are unlocking here.
    • Send Amount you want to Contribute to 0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf
    • Gas Limit: at least 90000
  4. Claim EOS Tokens
    • Select claimAll.
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000


Byte Code:


Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction


View Wallet Details

This page allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. You may want to do this in order to [import your account into Gubiq/Fusion]( If you want to check your balance, we recommend using a blockchain explorer like

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

Check TX Status

Transaction Found

{{ tx.hash }}

Transaction Not Found

Pending Transaction Found

Transaction Details

TX Hash {{ txInfo.hash }}
From Address {{ txInfo.from }}
To Address {{ }}
Amount {{ txInfo.valueStr }}
Nonce {{ txInfo.nonce }}
Gas Limit {{ txInfo.gasLimit }}
Gas Price {{ txInfo.gasPrice.gwei }} GWEI ({{ txInfo.gasPrice.wei }} WEI)
Data {{ }}

Cancel or Replace Transaction


Unlock your wallet to replace your transaction. (But, please be careful)

Send Entire Balance

+ Advanced: Add Data

A message regarding {{}}


Advanced Users Only.
Please unlock the address {{ txInfo.from }}. Only this address can replace a TX.

Bulk Generate Wallets

Number of Wallets To Generate

Generate Wallets

Generate Wallets

Success! Your wallets have been generated.

**You need your Keystore File + password or Private Key** to access this wallet in the future. Please save & back it up externally! There is no way to recover a wallet if you do not save it. Read the [help page]( for instructions.
Address Identicon Address Private Key (unencrypted)